Luke Family

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I want my Mommy!!!

Most of you would probably think that I should not miss my Mom since we live here (and much longer than we should have) or because I am almost 30. Some may even think that I would be sick of seeing her and need a break. This is so far from the truth. My Mom has been gone for almost 2 weeks now and that is a long time for her to be away. We are usually on a vacation with them or she is only gone for no more than a week. I am happy for her that she is getting a chance to travel and spend time with her siblings, but I have to say I really miss her. I am ready to have her home. I look forward to seeing her at the end of the day and discussing everything and nothing. When we move into our house we will only be 1.1 miles away but I think I will still miss her then. I know the kids will too. She may not miss us, but I have a feeling she might. I don't think my Dad will run to the door yelling GRANDMAAAAAAA, holding out his arms wanting a hug. He might want a hug, but the other part would be really weird. I am thankful to have a good relationship with my Mom and I can't wait to see her on Saturday.


Blogger redstarmama said...

Actually, I can see your dad doing the whole Grandma greeting thing for the first few days after you guys move out. Some things you have to transition out of slowly, especially granddaughters moving away.

October 11, 2007 at 3:25 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Mom already told me she was going to miss you guys and especially the little girl's grandma getting home routine. She was of course tearing up at this point. I miss Mom and Dad more now that I just saw them. I am jealous of you and your geographical proximity to our parents.

October 11, 2007 at 9:31 PM  
Blogger Miriam Herm said...

i'm close to my mom too. she's going to be gone next weekend and i am dreading it.
so i know how you feel. and i'm sorry.

October 12, 2007 at 9:32 AM  

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